Home Educating Family Magazine is having a pre-release sale for their Well-Planned Day Planners. The first year I purchased one of these planners, it was halfway through the year and so I got it for half-price. The next planner, I purchased during the pre-release sale last year. This year, I purchased my planners the second I got the email! LOL
I absolutely love this planner. I did the Sonlight schedule for a while. Then I did the computer program tracking system for a couple years. With both of these, I ended up way far behind in my logs and really frustrated that we weren’t “keeping up” with the schedule. I was so aggravated that I just about gave it all up and said forget it.
Thank goodness for half-price sales! I met the Well-Planned Day planner and for the first time I felt like I had a shot at this scheduling and logging business. It wasn’t smooth sailing right away. In fact, the first year I used the planner I know I use it to it’s potential, nor this year either. But here’s what it has done for me. The Well-Planned Day planner has gotten me on the right track to getting organized, developing a workable schedule and keeping a good routine.
Let me tell you about some of my favorite features.
1) Daily household and homeshool schedules are all in one place. They really did a good job with this. Each month includes a full calendar, daily lesson plans, a Bible reading schedule, budget tracker, weekly priority lists, field trip & reading log and a place for your weekly menu.
2) Individual Student Information forms – 4 per planner. I can track all four of my kids in one planner, each having their own report cards, attendance and grade sheets, plus information pages that include their grade and curricula information. We don’t keep traditional grades but we do track hours. I’ve found the perfect way to track hours on the grading sheet!
3) Household forms are included in the front of the planner as well. These include things like birthday lists, addresses and phone numbers, budget form, greeting card lists, cleaning routines, and chore lists.
4) Tear-out shopping lists are in the front of each month’s section. I use these not just for shopping lists but for any other little notes I may need to jot down.
Each month also has an encouraging article written by some of my favorite Christian writers, such as Elisabeth Elliot.
The collection of planners available include (and also available as PDFs):
- Well Planned Day Student Planner
- High School 1 Year Plan
- High School 4 Year Plan
- On the Go Planner New!
The new On the Go Planner is a purse size household planner, much like the household aspects of the Well Planned Day planner. I’ve purchased this one as I’m excited about keeping it in my bag when I go out.
Another cool new product is the accessory binder to hold any of the 8.5 x 11 planners. It comes with a beautiful fabric cover, interior pockets, a zipper closure, and 12 high gloss tabs. I’m looking forward to using this binder with my Well Planned Day planner. I’m always sticking papers and assignments into the front of my planner and things frequently end up all dog-eared. The coupon pockets will also come in mighty handy for my weekly shopping trips.
The pre-release sale is on through February 28th – the lowest price you’ll get until the clearance sale. You can purchase a bundle that includes a binder and a planner for a special price, saving you even more.
The Well-Planned Day planner is a tool I use every single day, homeschooling or not. I’m so glad I found this resource and only wish I’d had it sooner!
Have you used a Home Educating planner? What was your experience? I’d love to hear how others are using their planners.
-Sara O’
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