Remember a while back, during convention season, I told you about a mini e-book I had read called The Value of Homeschool Conventions. Well I’ve read about five of those little WeE-books and they’re not half bad!
TOS has 30+ weE-books available in their homeschool store and I’ve acquired several. (ya’ll know how I like to read) A bit longer than your average blog post, weE-books are still quick reads, focusing on various aspects of homeschooling or child-rearing. Imagine searching the internet for a specific subject and taking all the search results, paring them down to their useful information and combining it all into about 15 pages. This is weE-books in a nutshell.
Sure, you could get some, if not all, of this information for free on the internet. But you’ll spend countless hours pouring through tons of information and then need to weed out the useless chatter. I’ve done this very thing many times. It’s not fun. (My browser’s bookmarks are so out of control.) That’s the beauty of a weE-book. If you don’t have time for web surfing or you don’t have that kind of access to the internet, definitely think about perusing the weE-book section at TOS. All the ones I’ve read have good content and most have been well worth their price. Each weE-book is $1.95 which is probably less than the amount you’d spend in Excedrin and coffee you’d use digging your way through all those Google results. You just may save enough time for a YouTube fest of Tim Hawkins videos a relaxing bath! *gasp*
If you’re interested in checking these babies out at no cost, TOS will give you 2 free weE-books every month when you subscribe to their ‘Special Offers’ e-newsletter. April’s free weE-book titles are Building Strong Arithmetic Thinking and Homeschooling the Rebel, Part 2.
Happy reading!
Sara O’