My family and I were introduced to a man from the country of Lebanon in the early months of this year. Walid had been spoken of in our “Mission Moments” at church a few times and we became interested in this man and his ministry. Not long ago, Walid made a visit to the United States and to our church, Rockport. We were excited to see this man we had been hearing about and praying for.
What a blessing it was for myself to hear brother Walid preach the Word and to hear of his ministry in Lebanon. The church is very small there and the Word, not very well-received. Brother Walid and his fellow Christians pass out Bibles in some hostile places and minister to any who are willing to hear. They have a small meeting place for worship services and struggle to make ends meet. I know it must be hard for him and others in similar situations. To preach when it seems no one listens, to cry for those who don’t know their own despair. To suffer loneliness in your home country. To be persecuted by your own people. But all this is for Christ and, in truth, is merely a walk to greater joys. Brother Walid is doing an important work in Lebanon and our family felt led to support him in some way.
The kids began saving money in a jar for our Brother Walid and over the past few months have almost filled it. The jar itself has become known as ‘the Walid jar’.
This week we learned that, Lord willing, a brother from our own church will be travelling to Lebanon soon. In August, Brady will be staying with Walid for a period of two weeks, studying and offering help and encouragement. I pray these two men will find great blessings in their time together.
Brady’s trip to Lebanon will require about $2,000.00 in airfare and much prayer. The kids have decided to give the money from their Walid jar to Brady. While their original intention was to send this gift to Walid in the form of a check, what a blessing it is to be able to send it in the form of a servant. Below is a letter that Brady wrote and I would like to share with you.
Friends and Family,
My church, Rockport Baptist Church, has continued in supporting missionaries. I have had the pleasure in meeting one of those missionaries, Walid Bitar. Walid is a native to Lebanon in the Middle East. There, he has served the Lord faithfully through much discouragement and troubles. His main work is with his church and evangelizing to Muslims by handing out Bibles and preaching the Word. Walid is involved in the missions organization “Heartcry”, in which Rockport works close with and trust wholeheartedly.
Even at a young age, I can see that the Lord has gifted me with preaching and teaching. I pray that I will continue to be faithful in this area. One way that I plan to be faithful and grow in these gifts is to surround myself with godly men and women. I currently do not have the means for the schooling that I wish I could, but I feel that the Lord is providing in other areas.
One of these ways to advance my gifts is to visit Walid in Lebanon to work under him. While there, I hope to gain a greater passion for evangelism and the spreading of the Word of God in an environment that isn’t “safe” and to learn a more disciplined life in the Word. Additionally, for those that know Walid know how easy it is for someone in his circumstances to become discouraged there in Lebanon. My humble prayer is that I somehow also would be an encouragement to him by the Grace of God.
I am planning to go to Lebanon and learn under Walid for the first two weeks in August. This trip is pending on money and prayer. Therefore, I am going to ask for both. The trip will cost around $2,000 for airfare. While in Lebanon, I will be staying with Walid and his church has agreed to take care of me.
Romans 10:14-15a
How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent?
1 John 2:2
He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.
Revelation 21:23-24
The city (Heaven) has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.
Philippians 4:17
Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account.
Thank you,
Brady Hardin
If you would like to offer support for Brady’s trip with a monetary donation, you can email me at and I can send you information on how to do that. More than this, please remember these two men and their ministries in your prayers as they seek God’s will.
Taking personal interest in a missionary has been an encouragement to my family. The kids are learning about other parts of the world and what God is doing in those places. They are also learning how give of their resources with happy hearts – something we all need a good lesson in once in a while. My prayer is that this habit will stick with them their entire lives. That not only will they be willing to give of their money and things, but of their lives as well by sharing the love of Christ with others wherever God may lead them.
Sara O’
Very nice blog, and my youngest daughter is named, Sarah Jane!
We store out spare change in a sauer kraut jar… lol.
I write a Christian based Journal– Tom's Journal… and hope you visit me sometime.
Warm Regards,
Tom S
Disabled Vietnam Veteran: 68-70
Jesus is Lord.