It’s September, people. And I’m not talking ‘beginning of the school year, late summer’ September. I’m talking ‘almost October, beginning of fall’ September. That’s right. As much as you and I both want to pretend Christmas is still months and months away… it’s only months away!
Along with the fun of planning holiday activities, making homemade decorations and dragging out the lights comes the joys of Christmas shopping! (can you see the fake smile plastered across my face and my sarcastic eye blinking?)
Well, I’ve got at least ONE item that will make your shopping experience a little bit easier.
The Studypod. You look confused. Let me explain what it is. The Studypod is basically a book holder. But a very cool book holder with a few really neat features. It holds any size book at about the same angle of your computer screen, meaning it’s much easier on the eyes than a book laying flat on the table.
For example:
See the difference? Back when I was in school we actually had typing class… with typewriters. (do your kids gasp when you tell them this?) I can’t count the number of times in my adult life I’ve thought about those typing book holders and wished I’d had one. I love my Studypod. It holds the book completely open allowing me to work (or cook) with two hands. As you can see from the photo, it also gives you more workspace and protects your neck from excess strain. As a gal who gets lots of headaches, I really appreciate this benefit.
Here’s another thing I love about the Studypod. See that little pocket there? It’s on the inside cover behind where the book sits. You’d be surprised what all you can fit in that little pocket. I like to keep a pencil and notecards in it at all times. You just never know when you wanna jot down a couple notes and someone always needs a pencil around here.
I can think of so many people this would be a great gift for:
- anyone in school – be it homeschool, high school, college
- your favorite cook
- a musician
- teachers
- secretaries or other office workers, especially if they do transcribing
- crafters – think knitters, crocheters, cross stitchers, painters, woodworkers; just about every craft you can think of
Studypods are $19.95 online with a discount for purchasing more than one. There’s also a money-back guarantee if you decide it’s not right for you.
As a member of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew, I am also very happy to offer you a $5.00 discount code good at the online store! Just use the code: TOSBLOG5 to receive the discount.
Happy Christmas shopping!
Sara O’
I like the way you wrote this-like we're sitting across from each other. And uh, where has time gone? I cannot believe we have only a few days of Sept. left! Man this year is flying by. OH, and I read your dish post-I dunno-round here there may be a revolt of sorts if we got rid of our cable-well, actually we cannot-we use it for the internet-gotta have that. Plus, I have 3 older kids (21, 19 and 15) who couldn't live without Glenn Beck and O'eielly! And well, since they started playing Lost in Space reruns, we simply cannot go without it-"it does not compute!"
Nice review Sarah-:0)
haha! I don't think we'd do it without internet. We do rely on our computers for so many things now. That's my only worry – turning our computers into the time wasters! But that's a whole nother post! lol