A while back I posted a slew of resources for our Sonlight lessons. Now that I pretty much have the olders’ curriculum and schedule worked out, I’ve begun to focus more on the youngers.
This year we started Sonlight’s Core K and have slowly worked our way through about half of it. I remember when the olders did Core K, we rushed through the end because we were always playing ‘catch up’. I’ve decided that this time around we will continue our leisurely pace and really enjoy the last weeks of Core K.
With that in mind, I’ve decided to compile a list of resources that we have and/or will use for Sonlight’s Core K. I hope you find this list helpful, too.
*Items marked with free indicate this item or idea is available for free online.
The House At Pooh Corner:
The Story of Dr. Dolittle:
The Story About Ping:
Johnny Appleseed:
- TP Roll Craft free (because my 6 yr. old insists on keeping all the empty toilet paper rolls he can find!)
- apple picking at Eckert’s
- Johnny Appleseed Lapbook from HoaC
My Father’s Dragon:
- My Father’s Dragon Lapbook free
- Elmer and the Dragon (My Father’s Dragon)
book #2
- The Dragons of Blueland (My Father’s Dragon)
book #3
Dolphin Adventure and Dolphin Treasure:
- Perler bead dolphins perler beads are a great craft for just about any subject!
The Light At Tern Rock:
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz:
- Wizard of Oz the movie
- Make a Story Sack the ideas in this story sack are enough to keep you busy through the entire book! free
The Apple and the Arrow:
- William Tell Overture *note this is at YouTube.com Just giving fair warning that the content on this site isn’t always ‘clean’. I have checked this page and it seems fine, though. free
A Grain of Rice:
The Boxcar Children #1:
- Juice Box Train free
- Museum of Transportation there are several of these types of museum across the country – look for one close to you
- Blueberry Bread Pudding free
In Grandma’s Attic:
- stay tuned for this one, I’m cooking up a lapbook activity for this book
Five True Dog Stories:
Family Under the Bridge:
- this is another book I plan on lapbooking – stay tuned
Mary on Horseback:
- Kentucky coloring page free
- foam Nurse hat craft free
- Horse Color-by-number page free
- Pretend-play doctor and patient – make a “doctor’s bag”
Egermeier’s Bible Story Book:
- Bible Story Printables ther’e’s so many wonderful printables here, you will find plenty for your Bible time free
*I want to make a not here about our Bible story book. We do not use the Egermeier’s one. We use a book called Come, Ye Children: A Bible Storybook For Young Children
The Real Mothergoose:
If you have any favorite ideas or supplements you’ve used for core k, please leave a note in the comments and I’ll add them. = )
Sara O’
Those are some fantastic ideas! Thanks for sharing. I especially like the TP Johny Appleseed as I was a TP roll collector as a child too. And every time I put one in the recycle bin I find myself thinking, 'There's got to be a use for these…' [smile]
I'vew seen you around the Workboxes Yahoo group and possibly because of you I found the Sonlight Workbox group!!! I can't thank you enough for this post about supplements for Core K. Even though I just picked up Core1+2-the condensed World History one, I might borrow a friends Core K and use that for my boys. Having a Pooh party — our whole family would like this one!!!!!
Question: did you do lapbooks with Core K? I ask because you mentioned the Ping one from HOAC. Is it possible to do lapbooks with Sonlight and not get behind? Thx!!!!
I'm glad you found the info useful. : ) Yes, we have been using lapbooks with Core K and no, we haven't stayed on schedule. lol But even before lapbooks, we didn't stay on schedule so it could just be me. I know alot of people who use Sonlight and confess they never stay on Sonlight's schedule. But remember, as a homeschooler, the only schedule you have to stick with is YOURS. You're only behind if you say you are behind. Do what and how much they enjoy. That's what they will learn from anyway.
My goal is to work my way through the cores with supplement pages. I'll be adding the Core 1 resources next, though I'm not sure when 'next' will be.
Thanks for reading! = )
sara o'
Your plan is so neat and kids will love it absolutely. I love your Sonlight supplements and those hand-on ideas. Do you have this kind of plan for Core 2 and can you share it with me?
God Bless,
I just requested a copy of "House at Pooh Corner" from our library. I think we'll do the party and maybe even the lapbook you suggested:) Thanks!
Core 2 supplements plan is still in the works. It will be very good though. There's so many fun things to do in Core 2 with the Middle Ages.
Oh good! I think the Pooh party is just the cutest thing ever. = )
These ideas are wonderful and will surely enhance our experience this year thanks for sharing. I can't wait to see your ideas for a lapbook for In Grandma's attic and Family under the bridge. I have been looking for stuff for grandma's attic because it is so long and also dr. dolittle, but haven't found anything yet.
this year should bring some new resources. fewer commitments means more time to update resources!!! : )
we loved In Grandma's Attic and ended up getting one of the sequels.
Wish you had the In Grandmas Attic Lapbook! It would be perfect!…. We are doing a book club meeting on it Wed and I haven't found any quick craft ideas online… 🙁
Do you have any printables for In Grandma's Attic? I am searching for some to do with Core A, and I didn't want to have to reinvent the wheel if possible.
You know, I never did do anything with that! I need to go back and work on this. I guess my brain took a vacation from it all as we moved on through the years. Thanks for the reminder again. I'll try to work on it and get something updated. 🙂
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