***Updated 3-25-09***
I love Sonlight. Over the past three years using their “Cores” as the spine of our learning, I have often gotten the itch to do just a little bit more.
Well let me rephrase that because Sonlight offers plenty to keep the most studious of us busy. The kids and I really find ourselves wanting more hands-on activities. And I want them simple and ready at hand. I mean, after plowing through the living books we are blessed with through Sonlight the last thing I want to do is spend hours gathering up materials, worksheets, recipes etc. for some educational fun time.
That’s why I’m offering this list of (mostly) hands-on activities and materials you may enjoy in your journey through Sonlight’s Core 3.
********This is a growing list. I will periodically add things at I find them. I will do my best to mark things at new when they are added********
Lewis and Clark Lapbook free! from Homeschool Helper
George Washington Lapbook free! from Homeschool Helper
United States Constitution Lapbook free! from Homeschool Helper
Boston Tea Party Lapbook free! from Homeschool Helper
Life in Colonial America Lapbook from HOAC
The Story of Jamestown Lapbook from HOAC
Notebooking & Other Printable Pages
History Pockets, Life in Plymouth Colony
History Pockets, Native Americans
History Pockets, The American Revolution
Lift-The-Flap Timelines: American History
Hands-On History: Colonial America
Easy Make & Learn Projects: Colonial America
Easy Make & Learn Projects: Northeast Indians
Craft Type Activities (Not lapbooks)
Time Travelers – New World Explorers
Time Travelers – Colonial Life
Time Travelers – American Revolution
Corps of Re-Discovery this store offers many project kits that contain all the materials you need to create some pretty fantastic things like moccasins, tomahawks, coon tail hats, Pioneer costumes and wooden toys. This link covers many areas from Core 3.
Fun & Easy American History Crafts and Games
The American Revolution for Kids: A History w/ 21 Activities
The First Thanksgiving in Focus
Christopher Columbus – Egg Cup Ships
How to make hand-dipped candles
Make your own Aztec sacrifice knife … I know, but it’s a craft! This site has many craft ideas including making masks, timelines, shields and dress, and drawing Aztec gods.
Pocahontas fringed bag (yes, this is from the movie. but i felt it was a notable craft)
Pretend Play
Will the Real Paul Revere Please Stand Up? And 14 Other American History Plays
Hey! I didn’t know you had a blog…Gosh!
ohhhh man, this is the good stuff!!!!
I found another. Handle on the Arts now offers a few Hands-On supplements to Sonight. http://www.handleonthearts.com.
I am doing core 3 with my 4th grader. This is our 3rd year using Sonlight and up until now I have really liked it. But so far this year (we are in week 5) it has not gone well. Maybe I just don't get the flow of core 3 or something, but it's boring. They don't give any suggestions for hands on activities at all that I know of. It's all just reading. We are doing Sequential Spelling for spelling, Handwriting Without Tears, Math U See, and Sonlight. The core 3 history is just hard to navigate or something, always having to flip though the binder to this section or that section, of which you have to find on your own bc they don't tell you. Am I missing something here? Everyone says how Sonlight offers more than enough things to do, but he can get school done in an hour (not including math). Then he's bored. He's in advanced reading and he'll sit and read the books in one day instead of taking a week or two like they suggest. I am having second thoughts about using Sonlight bc apparently I can't figure it out.
Anyway, my friend found your blog for me and I wanted to say thanks so much! I'm going to check out the sites you listed and see if we can get school to be more involved and hands on.