This conviction God has laid on my heart continues to grow stronger. I’ve really felt the need to cover full time but when you only have one covering… that’s brown… well, you can’t wear brown with everything. Okay, I suppose you can, but I have no desire to stick out like a sore thumb with my mismatched head covering.
A couple days ago I received two new coverings from Garlands of Grace. I chose GoG because they advertised their coverings as non-slip, with ties or with elastic and no funny flaps. And they’re beautiful. Now, I do not say this with vanity in mind. Just as I do not want to stick out for wearing a mismatched head covering, I do not want to stick out with a pretty one either. This may seem like a contradiction to some – not wanting to ‘stick out’ yet wearing something that would make you ‘stick out’. But Beloved, I do not wish for people to look at my head coverings and see me. I want them to look at my head coverings and see God. To cover your head, one does not need, nor should they try to make it ugly or unappealing. Please hear me out here. I want women to know that you can follow Paul’s instruction to cover your head and it be beautiful. It reminds me of the tabernacle God commanded the people of Israel to build. The holy things and places of God were adorned and made beautiful – created with the most beautiful cloths, fine gold, the best wood; made by the most skilled craftsmen. By adorning the objects in the tabernacle as well as the tent itself, they were given honor and importance. A beautiful head covering is a symbol of a woman honoring and giving importance to the authority God has placed over her. She is saying, “I take seriously, yea, love the role God has given to me. I honor His authority and sovereignty in my life and wish to give it great importance by placing this beautiful symbol on my head.” (1 Cor. 11:10)
Please consider covering your head, my dear woman. It is a blessing beyond measure to the wearer.
Back to my new coverings… I purchased the Suzanne covering in cream. This is a very simple, plain covering. I love it for its simplicity. This veil is truly lightweight. I can barely feel it on my head. Sadly it does tend to slip a bit so I will wear clips with it when I’m out. But at home, I’m comfortable without the clips and it rarely slips off, just slides back slowly over the passing hours. I have a very small slope in the back of my head. The ties and elastic in most coverings tend to slip because they just don’t have much to anchor to.
The other item I purchased was the Victorian style snood. I do believe this one is my favorite. I love that it gets my hair off my neck without the use of a rubberband. Having my hair up usually results in a headache. : ( But not with the snood. I love the color. Love the style. It’s pretty and practical. : )
I’m hoping to sew up a similar one in white… We’ll see about that.
Hello, I have been a believer in Jesus Christ my entire adult life, having placed my faith in Him in college in the early 80’s. I am married with 4 children, two adult , two still in home school. About a year ago, I felt God calling me to something deeper. We had already left a traditional Christian church to attend a Charismatic fellow ship and my faith has been growing in leaps and bounds. Still, I felt that God was calling me to step out of the normal and do something just for Him. I have also been praying for our unsaved adult daughter and was seeing no results of said prayers. God lead me to 1 Corinthians 11. Yes, Lord, I know that my husband is the head of the family, I understand that, No, Read it again daughter. I thought God, are you asking me to do what I think you are asking me to do? Yes, daughter, because of the Angels, cover your head. Your prayers are being hindered in the spiritual realm. You need the coverings of the Angels for protection and authority in Christ’s name.
I had recently had a conversation with our pastor’s wife(Ann) about modest dress, my 12 year old had some questions about how some of the girls in church were dressing in the summer months. We agreed in modesty, but Ann said that some of these things are “cultural” and do not apply to today. That got me thinking, so maybe Paul’s teachings on homosexuality are ” cultural” and do not apply, what about headship in the home or children obey your parents etc. At what point do we say that all things are “cultural” and we make our own choices as to what we want to follow. Where does it end. Of course, Ann was not saying that, but God used it to lead to to covering.
No one in my fellowship covers and I do not know anyone who covers, but here God is calling me to this, I already stand out as a white haired woman, wear longer skirts and dresses on most days, kind of the old hippie type. People at church accept me as an odd ball although do not say it to my face. I am just a converted 1970’s hippie, the one who gardens and recycles all the churches plastic products etc.
So, I felt compelled to discuss this with a Christian sister , and she said well Paul writes about it, but I am not going to do it, I spoke with just two others and thy both thought I had lost my mind and converted back to my pot smokin’ ways! I have not discussed this with my pastor or his wife as I am pretty sure they will tell me I am cracked in my thinking. My husband is used to my whimsical behavior and he really did not care one way or another. So, last December I started wearing a crocheted or knitted cap, and a black snood. It was winter so I figured people would just think I was cold. No one has said a thing to me about it now, it has been a year and I cover about 90% of the time. Summer was harder because it is so hot,so I made some cotton bandana scarves that completely cover my head and tie in the back.
I am afraid to say anything because of people’s reaction. Had one person call me Amish want a be, but he was joking, and I think it is because of my skirts. Kind of hurt my feelings and I thought it was derogatory towards those who did cover and dress modestly. My Mom hates that I cover, tells me it makes me look old and frumpy, I even let her convince me to cut my hair which I regret to no end this past summer. Will never color my beautiful white hair though. I want to honor her and am conflicted , sometimes don’t cover when I am with her. I want to share what God has shown me though this, but wonder if people will think I am being ” Holy” by doing this, or bringing honor to myself etc. How do I deal with these conflicts in my head? at first I it was awkward but now if I do not cover I feel naked. Sometimes I want to throw all my hats away and hide. It is an encouragement to read others experiences about covering. I wish I was around Christian woman who cover for the emotional and spiritual support but I am not. I know God has called to to this but it is hard being on a island in the middle of the prairie. I would appreciate your thoughts on this and would love some words of encouragement. Kathy