Mathletics is a paid membership site offering drill, practice and games of the mathematical variety. Students log on to their site with their own personal account and avatar they create. Parents also receive a log in account to track the student(s) progress. From here, you can print reward certificates, track students, adjust learning levels, print full workbooks, etc. I love all the features available to the parents.
Students have fun with the animated game-like programs. Learning is fun and not so much a drill to be dreaded. Through participation, students can earn ‘reward’ points used to spruce up their avatar – things like hats, glasses, clothing and such.
A very cool feature of this site is the online learning community competitions. Students can compete against others around the world and even get their names in the hall of fame or recognized as Winner of the Week, earning them a special trophey.
For the reluctant math student or the numbers whiz, Mathletics would be a great resource. If you’re looking for some quality online time for your child, think Mathletics. My daughter, who does NOT like math, really enjoyed playing on the Mathletics site. She seemed to really love the practice sessions the most which completely surprised me. Just goes to show what can be accomplished with a stubborn-headed gal when a computer tells her she didn’t get a perfect score. hehe
I honestly would never have guessed that my daughter would enjoy this membership. She actually dislikes math that much. With over 100,000 kids using the website each day though, I suppose the Mathletics guys really do know what they’re doing.
A Mathletics memberships is $59/year/student (though you can save a little more by answering one simple question – hehehe). You can find more information on the Mathletics website under the About Mathletics tab.
Happy Mathing!
Sara O’
As a reviewer for the TOS Homeschool Review Crew I receive free products from companies including the product mentioned above in return for my honest opinion.