I’m doing a daily Bible study for the next 8 weeks with Good Morning Girls. I thought it might be nice to record some thoughts here as we go through the scriptures. I didn’t have any intention of recording anything here which is why you see day 2 & 3 in the title and not day 1. I can’t guarantee I’ll share something from every day, but I’ll try to share a couple times a week.
Day 2
“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” – Psalm 90:12
Considering our mortality on a daily basis will lead us to either the Word and wisdom or fear and foolishness.
I am reminded of another verse, Proverbs 27:12. “The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.”
It’s taken my free-spirit self a lot of years to realize the goodness and beauty of a routine or schedule, but now I find myself craving a routine. One of the things the Lord reminded me of in this study is that Pleasure is not equal to Joy. Lots of things will bring me pleasure but they don’t bring me joy. Pleasure is only there when I’m doing whatever the pleasurable thing is. The instant I stop doing it, the pleasure is gone. Joy is lasting. It is rooted in something that goes beyond an enjoyable activity and lasts long after I’ve stopped. Joy can be found in purpose. I need to spend more time filling my days with Purpose and not pleasure.
Lord, help me to look ahead in my day and purpose to cultivate joy in our home. Guide me in recognizing the ‘dangers’ when too many pleasurable activities take over and keep me from living life intentionally. Breaks are great and I am thankful for them. But help me to recognize my overindulgence. Amen.
Day 3
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” – Hebrews 12:1
Just a couple thoughts here… 1. I’m not alone. There are many who have ‘run their race’ and are an encouragement to me in running mine. I can look back at their courses and see the failures, the tragedies, the excitements, the long strides, the beautiful legs of a long journey. I am encouraged that I don’t have to be the best runner that ever ran. My path doesn’t have to be smooth to finish the race. They are perfect examples of imperfect men crossing the finish line. All that is required is faith, knowing I will finish… in spite of myself.
2. This course was built just for me. No one else will run the same race I am running. No one else can run it for me. God plotted out this course with the sole soul purpose of getting ME to the finish line. He will use each and every step to teach me, train me, encourage me, love me, guide me.
Lord, your care for us astounds me when I think about all you hold in your hands. Thank you for all the ways you express your love to me, from the beauty of your creations I get to witness along this journey to the encouraging examples you set before me in life and your Word. Help me to run well and look for your goodness at every turn along the way. Amen.
So encouraged by this post, Sara! I don’t have to be “the best runner who ever ran!” This race is not a competition! And your phrase about all the “imperfect men crossing the finish line” reminds me that, in fact, we are ALL imperfect! This points me back, yet again, to Christ, the Author/Originator and FINISHER of my (sometimes-oh-so-pitifully-weak) faith! He has run this race before me and WON! He will see that I finish victoriously! Thank you for this encouragement!