Over the past year or so, we’ve discovered some hidden talent in our 7 year old, Beans. Who knew this rambunctious, can’t sit still for one minute, impetuous little boy could draw like nobody’s business? This discovery has sparked a drawing craze in all of our children that has lasted several months now.
Drawing is one of those things the kids do daily – purposefully and not. They usually have paper and pad out anytime we read aloud which can vary from one to two hours a day. Plus, drawing for fun, drawing during Bible time and study on the weekends… That’s a lot of paper! Yes, I know this. So we recycle everything from printer mishaps to business leftovers, blueprints, brown paper from packages we receive – just about anything you can write on.
Recently, I discovered a fun and easy program called Mark Kistler’s Online Drawing Lessons. Mark Kistler is an Emmy Award-winning artist who has taught 3-d drawing lessons all over the world. He has hosted several public television programs and has written and illustrated many popular drawing books for children.
As a member of the Homeschool Buyers Co-op, we were able to get a great deal on Mark Kistler’s online programs. For $36 (a 60% discount!) you can order a 3 year family subscription. If you are already a member of the Co-op and you have accumulated smart points, you can also get the subscription for 4,000 points – free!
These online lessons include Online Video Art Academy with 100+ art lessons, The School of Imagination with over 50 animated art lessons and, our personal favorite, Mini-Marshmallow lessons which are designed for the younger crowd.
Mark’s lessons are perfect for school time. They are fairly short and extremely entertaining. My oldest children are at that age where everything is boring and unenjoyable unless they’ve done it before. (does anyone else have kids like this? ugh) After the first lesson they were SOLD. Begging for another right away, in fact. Of course I just smiled and said “not today, dearies!” (ha! teach them to be bored at me!)
One of my favorite things about these lessons is they require very few supplies. Mark does recommend getting a drawing pad or two but stresses that any paper is perfectly fine. After seeing how much the kids learned in just the first two lessons, I quickly decided to get each of them a drawing pad. As they complete more and more lessons it will be fun to look back and see how much they have accomplished. The other tools you need are #2 pencils and a blending stump. *By the way, a blending stump is a pencil made out of paper. It doesn’t actually have lead. You use the tip to blend, smudge and smear pencils marks on your drawing.*
If you’re in the market for an art course for your upcoming school year, I recommend you check out Mark’s programs. They are so FUN! Even dad and I have joined in on a couple lessons.
The Homeschool Buyers Co-op has a great deal available now through 31 May for folks purchasing Mark Kistler’s art lessons. Not only can you get the program at the 60% discounted price, but you will also earn 200 bonus smart points! Check it out and let me know what you think.
-Sara O’
Hi Sara, just came across your site today, glad I did, it's made for interesting reading! I'm going to have a look at this online drawing you mentioned here, it's such an inexpensive hobby! I'll be back for more! Regards, Lin.
Hi Lin! So glad you found us. The kids really do love Mark Kistler's stuff. He's such a riot. I look forward to checking out your blogs, too. Thanks! SaraJane