abcteach is a membership website that offers over 30,000 printables to its members. Worksheets and activities in a variety of subjects can be printed on demand from the member website. Resources for such topics as reading comprehension, flashcards, theme units, holidays, powerpoint, portfolios and the list goes on. You’ll find teaching extras and clip art as well.
One of the best features of this member site is a tool called abctools. It’s a custom worksheet generator that allows you to make your own documents such as word searches, math worksheets, spelling and handwriting pages, even sudokus andbingo boards! Pretty cool.
A yearly membership costs $35 – $40 depending on the commitment you make (one year or two). There are also discounts for groups.
abcteach has a free website if you are interested in trying it out. With over 6,000 free printables you can get a good idea of its usefulness. I would also encourage you to visit the why abcteach? page. For myself, I rarely use these types of sites. I just have more than I need in the way of materials. Now, I have found myself in a pinch and wishing I’d had something like this available to me at a moment’s notice but I don’t think I could justify the membership cost for my own convenience. Honestly, I’ve been on the search for a resource and had google lead me straight to abcteach. That’s when I kick myself for not having the membership. = ) For someone who doesn’t have materials galore lying around, perhaps a new schooler or someone in desperate need of supplementing a public school education (or a teacher for that matter!) this would be an excellent resource. The worksheets are interesting and fun – of good quality, content-wise.
If you have the funds, you may want to make the commitment… and not have bruised shins for the remainder of the school year. ; )